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Time for Change

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Cheetahs on Safari


Who We Are

Inspired by social movements of the past, Loving Creation of Jesus began in 2023 when a few San Francisco community members decided to organize and make an impact. Pretty quickly, this singular moment evolved into a full-fledged movement. Our Animal Rights Movement challenges the status quo, holding our leaders accountable and fighting for solutions that will transform society.

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Cheetahs on Safari

Our Causes


Ensuring that All Voices are Heard

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No One Should be Silenced

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Everyone Counts

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Ensuring that All Voices are Heard

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Engage Yourself

Loving Creation of Jesus encourages everyone to play their part in our Animal Rights Movement. The only way we succeed is when the change comes from within, and we want to empower you to take an active role. Learn more about the opportunities available to lend your support.

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Planning a Fundraiser

Active participation is an essential part of our movement’s success. Planning a Fundraiser is a great way to connect with your local community and spread the importance of our mission. With several different campaigns, it is easy to find something that personally inspires you.

Museum 2

Organizing an Event

Every individual has the ability to motivate others and inspire true change. By Organizing an Event, you become a crucial part of our movement by making sure that our mission is heard and has a far-reaching, lasting impact.

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