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Hero Eli

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Exceed Your ExpectationsI am A Syed Shia Kazmi Muslim and A Sincere ChristianMy Faith is That I Believe In Jesus Christ as The Only Savior and Holy Son of God Who Died on The Cross At The Cavalry to Wash Away Our Filthy Sins & He Sacrificed His Precious Life & Shed His Precious Blood for Saving Children of God Humanity Human Beings Are Now Saved from Hell Fire and Jesus Was Raised From The Dead By The Power of The Holy Spirit During Resurrection & He The Son of God is Coming Back For Judgement & He Will Take us Home With Him In Heaven In Eternity Amen,I am Converted to Christianity because I Saw My Holy Father Eliya The Eli Ali Mola in Jesus Christ and In People Children and Christianity of Holy God Jesus Christ,being A Shia Muslims me My Family have be en going to Churches for Worshipping Prayers since year 2000 when I was 8 years old Jesus Blessed me My Family for Eternal Blessings. I AM Still A Syed Shia Muslim nd Sincere Christian because I am The Son of AliFatima Alaisalaam & Muslims CALL me Shia Kafir All the Time but I Say that All l Muslims & Their Islam Should only Love & Follow PanjtanPak AliFatima & Their Children Only & All Muslims & Islam should Hate & should not Respect & should not Love & should not follow The Enimies of AliFatima Alaisalaam in The History of Mankind and Islam.I am Experiencing,Facing, Fighting Against Political Parsecution, Kidnapping ,Physical Attacks Dangers,Execution, forced Suicide Attacks Assault,Arrest,Detention,Attempt of Murder,Mental Harrasment and Torturing,Accident Death & Fighting Against Fake News Reports persons Stories Documentations Histories done and Framed by Anti AliFatima Individuals Satan 666 Terrorists Taliban Daish ISIS Alqaida Sippa Sahaba Jammat Ut Dawa, Anti Shia, Anti Christ Groups. I have Renounced Surrendered My Nationality CNIC Chip ID Card#37405-0365980-9 Passport #LL1019802 To Pakistan Through Accused ICTP DC Foreign and Interior Ministry Islamabad Pakistan.Me and my Family Need UK Citizenship Refuge Asylum my Right To Live in Jesus Christ being A Christian.I am The Victim of Terrorism, Criminal Activities and Crimes against My Properties in Lalazar rawalpindi & Crimes Against my Our Lives Respects and Assets Worth 81 Billion Rupees. Pastor Salamat 0346 5469930 Pastor Shahbaz 0341 8030531 Pastor Zahid In Sitara Market Have Baptized me my Family in 2015 in sitara Market for Saving our Lives because We Have been silent Believers Christians since year 2000 & Loving Jesus Christ Unconditionally being Shia Muslims. Https:// Https:// Https:// Https:// Https://

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